Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What does it mean when my rabbit licks me?

is it a sign of bonding or somethin?What does it mean when my rabbit licks me?
i have 3 rabbits and yes licking you is a sign of bondingWhat does it mean when my rabbit licks me?
eww.. naughty bunny . lol.. no they just need a salt lick.
When your rabbit licks you it means heor she love you its being affectionate towards you. yup you got it right its a sign of bonding
She's licking your sweatt. hehe.

I had a rat who always did that. [:

She died a couple months ago. ]:
He's probably licking the salt from your body. Pet stores have salt mineral blocks to hang in there cages.
They lick your skin b/c of the salt.
It likes the salt on your body
I think it is more likely she is tasting either the sweat on you or trying to see if your food. Does she have a salt lick? If not it's probably the sweat.
Well its loving hehe but yes it usually means she/he needs more salt mineral. Try buying him/her a nice salt mineral block lick from the feedstore.

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