Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do I get rid of the fleas on my rabbit?

You can use cat Advantage off label. Apply 1/2 of a small cat Advantage to the back of the neck where the bunny can't turn around and lick it off. Ask your vet.How do I get rid of the fleas on my rabbit?
advantage works best on fleas and is safe for rabbits.

to get the proper dose take your rabbit to an exotic vet.

a veterinarian that is experience with rabbits.

Do not use Frontline, or kitten flea shampoos it can kill your rabbit.How do I get rid of the fleas on my rabbit?
take it to the vet,they have have a proper thing to remove the fleas it shouldnt cost much any way :) good luck
buy that powder that gets rid of it*
Feed 'em garlic. It helps to ward them off and get rid of them. You can also ask for a medication from the vet that shouldn't be that much.
I've done so much research on this very thing for my rabbit. Never use Frontline, the chemicals in it cause convulsions and death. But every thing I've read said Advantage for cats is so far safe.
OH NO!!!!!! This is bad.Take a visit to your local vet.And if you can't do that soon than wash your rabbit.Clean the cage and make sure the fleas don't get on any other pets!!!

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