Saturday, August 21, 2010

I have just bought a 9 week old female rabbit?

at the moment it still doesn't like being picked up or being held does anyone know how to get her more friendly..also any good foods they enjoy eating.I have just bought a 9 week old female rabbit?
Well, each bunny is different. I've had my femal himalayan dwarf for a year. She just doesn't enjoy being picked up. She loves being petted on her head and she'll sit there forever as long as you're petting her, but she just doesn't like being out of control of the situation. Just give her space and alot of attention. Don't force her to be held if she's uncomfortable. Bunnies are very sensitive to stress and that could make her def. not want to be around you or other people.

Bunnies love timothy hay and also veggies..don't feed her iceberg lettuce(it's bad on the kidneys), don't feed her alfalfa hay(it's bad to cause kidney stones). My bunny loves saltine crackers, fruits(mangos, pears, apples). I would suggest going to the produce aisle in the grocery store and buy whatever veggies/fruits are on sale and just try them to see if your bunny like them. You'd be surprised what they'll love!!I have just bought a 9 week old female rabbit?
Well sadly rabbits dont really ever like to be picked up. Im sorry to tell you. And you should buy a male for it and in 2 months u will have over 18 bunnies. =]
You should have her socialized as well as possible at such a young age. If she doesn't get use to humans now, when she is older she wont be at all tame. I suggest you just pet her while still inside her cage so she isn't frightened. After a while she shouldn't be shy to actually come out of the cage.

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