Saturday, August 21, 2010

Found a baby rabbit, do I do anything for it?

We found a baby rabbit right in front of our garage door, just sitting there. He's about 2 1/2 inches long and his eyes are still closed. Is he fine to be outside of the nest? Is there anything we can do to help it or should we just leave it be? Thanks!Found a baby rabbit, do I do anything for it?
that is a very young bunnie...they normaly only leave the nest that young if the mother has died and they are starving or will not make it on its can take it to a resuqe if you don't want to put the time into saving it.

To hand feed use 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup evaporated milk, Table spoon corn sryup, teaspoon honey and 1 egg yolk. warm not hot. I use an eye droper a plastic one is best. After they eat it is VERY important that you use a wet Qtip or cotton ball to rub their genitals. The mother does this after feeding and if you don't they will not pee and the bladder will explode. It is ok if they only pee every other feeding and they must be fed every 4 hours till they are a week older I am guessing 2 weeks they open their eyes at 10 to 12 days old. Then at 2 weeks feed them 4 times a day till they are 3 weeks old at this point they can pee them selfs. they can start eating pelleted feed at 3 weeks and started weening at 4 to 5 weeks and can be completly weened by 6 weeks old.Found a baby rabbit, do I do anything for it?
a kit that small with its eyes closed is anywhere from 1-10 days old. i would not leave it outside b/c a mother rabbit will NEVER pick up or move their kits. i would attempt to find the nest and put it back but meanings the dam is wild, she might not accept it, domesticated rabbits will take care of their babies whether theyve been handled or not by humans. i would take it in and feed it, try and find a foster mother or feed it out of a bottle, syringe, or eye dropper.

best of luckk.

ps. also, you NEVER try and feed a rabbit under at least 3mnths old carrots, lettuce, etc. because it will ruin their digestive system. and for it to not even have its eyes open yet, something must have drug it out of the nest or the nest must be super close b/c kits that young cant even walk yet.
In front of the garage is a bad place for it. Seeing as it's out of the nest with it's eyes closed, you did the right thing by picking it up.

Unless you know where the nest is already, your best bet is to call a wildlife rehabber ASAP (check the phone book or call your local SPCA). The baby will need to be handfed until it's old enough to be on it's own, and hand raising rabbits is very very VERY difficult.
If you can find the nest, it would be best to put it back, but if you can't I would go to a vet and see if they have a powdered milk formula you could get it. Even if you can get the rabbit to take it, there is a very slim chance it will survive since it is so young.
aww! lol she'll or he lol will be finee outside you can give it some carotts or letuce tho =]
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