Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Can I Make My Rabbit Happy AfterHer Sister Was Killed|?

my rabbit is really down at the moment,

2 days ago her sister got out of the hutch %26amp; was torn apart by some animal. She looks really depressed,

How can i make her happy?

She doesn't like cuddles, %26amp; runs away if you touch her to just stroke her.

What can i do? :(How Can I Make My Rabbit Happy AfterHer Sister Was Killed|?
The best option is to buy another rabbit for her so that she has company. If this is not a possibility then buy her some toys and give her lots of hay and straw so that she can cuddle up.

It is not that she is 'missing' her sister, it's probably because she is 'missing' the company. Try and just 'talk' to her for a few days then stroke her and wait about a week before you start picking her up again. It's just shock...How Can I Make My Rabbit Happy AfterHer Sister Was Killed|?
Why weren't the rabbits inside where they belong?

It is no different than if you lost your sister. They were a bonded pair and your rabbit could die of depression (no lie).

I think you should take the remaining rabbit into a rescue because you won't be able to care for it properly.

And to the idiot that talked about getting her a new friend: That is a good way to get one of the rabbits killed. Rabbits are hard to bond and they take time. You can not simply throw another rabbit into a hutch (which is probably to small for 1 rabbit) and expect them to get along. They will rip each other to shreds.
pay her a lot of attention. if she was with this other rabbit all the time she will definatly be sad . maybe yu coul get her a new friends?
That is really, sad.

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